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Come build with us

Dearly Beloved,

I have come to you with a great vision and an earnest request that will shape the future of our community in profound ways. We are reaching out to you to join hands with us as we build for the Lord. Dominion Sanctuary Dartmouth is a fast-growing church under The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), located at the heart of Dartmouth City, a friendly and warm community within the Atlantic province of Nova Scotia, Canada. Dominion Sanctuary has been a beacon of hope and a source of inspiration for countless individuals and families over the years. We have been a hub for spiritual revival and building families and a community of faith. We are grateful to God for diverse encounters and testimonies within our community and impact beyond boarders through our outreaches, programs, and services.

Key features of the proposed building


The proposed Building is a multifaceted edifice with modern Church amenities and space to
accommodate future growth. It sits on a 5-acre property overlooking the breezy Cole Harbour lake.


The building highlights include:

  • Basement for Dominion Kids Centre

  • Event Halls for Ministry Activities and rentals

  • Spacious auditorium for Church Services

  • Meeting Room for Counselling & Meetings

  • Baptismal Room

  • Adequate Parking Space

The Opportunity to plant your Seed in God's Vinyard


The purchase of a church building requires substantial financial resources, and we trust in
the collective contributions of generous people to achieve this ambitious goal. We are
therefore reaching out to you, our dear partner, with the hope that you will consider making
a meaningful contribution to this endeavor. Your giving will enable us to secure the sacred
space that will be cherished by generations to come. It offers an opportunity for you to be
part of history and be blessed by God.



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The Mission

The missions for the Redeemed Christian Church of God  Worldwide  are:  RCCG  Dominion  Sanctuary Dartmouth is a place where fervent and effectual prayer is a lifestyle, offering intense praise and extreme worship unto Jesus the King of Kings.

  1. To make heaven.

  2. To take as many people with us.

  3. To have a member of RCCG in every family of all nations.

  4. To accomplish No. 1 above, holiness will be our lifestyle.

  5. To accomplish No. 2 and 3 above, we will plant churches within at least 10 minutes driving distance to any existing parish in every city.

  6. We will pursue these objectives until every Nation in the world is reached for the Lord Jesus Christ.

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The Vision

We see a multicultural community church made up of various nations race and all ages in Dartmouth and its immediate communities with a mandate to take Dartmouth for Christ.


  1. We see a church where gifts and talents are discovered, nurtured and maximised for the benefit of others.

  2. We see a community of worshipers of diverse ages, backgrounds, nations and cultures.

  3. And to raise a people that are passionate and committed to the spiritual transformation of society through the preaching of the complete message of Jesus Christ.

  4. We seek a place where fervent and effectual prayer is a lifestyle, offering -intense praise and extreme worship unto Jesus the King of Kings.

Commitment to our community

DSD thrives on the three pillars: Faith, Family, and Fellowship, our Goal is to build a church where friendship, trust, and loyalty are valued, a place where we grow in faith, and love for God and one another.


We are also committed to communicating and teaching timeless and undiluted truths of the wisdom of God and the new life in Christ through contemporary, creative, and culturally relevant means attractive to a post-modern generation of seekers.

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